Does Mirci provide housing?
Yes. Mirci provides affordable housing for people who have low income and who have a documented mental illness. People who have a recent history of homelessness are prioritized for Mirci housing.
Does Mirci provide any other types of housing assistance?
No. Mirci does not offer HUD vouchers, housing for seniors, or housing for other special groups. Mirci does not provide emergency rental assistance or other emergency housing.
How does Mirci uphold mental illness?
Mirci upholds mental health by providing behavioral healthcare, outreach services and affordable housing options for people who are vulnerable to the adverse consequences of mental illness.
What healthcare options are available to clients?
Mirci provides specialized healthcare to help people who have a mental illness build healthy, independent lives. Mirci’s behavioral health team includes psychiatrists, nurse practitioners, nurses, and licensed clinicians. Mirci serves people who have a hard time with traditional clinic-based systems by meeting people in their natural settings such as their homes.
What kind of donated items do you accept?
We are always in need of hygiene supplies like travel-sized shampoo, conditioner, body soap, deodorant, tampons and other feminine hygiene products, sunscreen, toothpaste and insect repellent. We also need new socks, underwear, t-shirts, shorts, sweatshirts and sweatpants for both men and women and We especially need larger sized clothing. In the fall, we accept donations of new hats, gloves, and new and used jackets and coats in excellent condition. For a full list of supply needs, please see our Amazon Smile Charity Wishlist.
Where should I bring donations?
Bring clothing and supply donations to 2750 Laurel Street (Third Floor), Columbia, 29204. We’re open 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. M-F.
Can someone come speak to my group?
Yes! Email us at mail@mirci.org or call us at (803) 786-1844 to request a speaker. Please request speakers at least four weeks in advance.
How can I be involved?
You can be part of Mirci’s effort to help people find a way forward by donating money and in-kind items, attending and/or sponsoring events like our 52 Windows art gala, holding a supply drive and more. For more information, visit our GIVE, EVENTS and CONTACT US pages.
Reduction in 2022 area healthcare costs
People served annually by our outreach team
Reduction in mental illness or substance use hospitalizations after Mirci enrollment